Picosecond DPSS Lasers
The highest peak power picosecond, diode-pumped solid-state lasers at the most compact sizes. Lightweight, with lowest power consumption among comparable picosecond lasers. Record holders (energy-per-size) in the UV range.
The highest peak power picosecond, diode-pumped solid-state lasers at the most compact sizes. Lightweight, with lowest power consumption among comparable picosecond lasers. Record holders (energy-per-size) in the UV range.
All solid-state, air-cooled nanosecond diode-pumped lasers from the IR to deep UV. Compact and rugged turnkey lasers with excellent price-performance ratio. Suitable for OEM integration in analytical instruments.
Passat manufactures a range of Faraday rotators/isolators distinctive for their compact size, low price, high transparency, and high extinction (35-40 dB). High-power, cooled models available.
Passat provides laser drilling, milling, scribing and patterning services. We specialize in large depth-to-diameter ratio micro-holes in a variety of materials. We also rent out our DPSS lasers.