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激光器 Iradion Infinity 1620/1625 (200 and 250 W) CO₂

Iradion Infinity 1620/1625 激光器是市面上重量最小,设计最紧凑的射频 CO₂ 激光器,采用独特的陶瓷腔技术,拥有相对于传统金属腔产品稳定性更高、使用寿命更长的优点,广泛应用于打标、切割及医疗等应用领域。

Model Infinity 1620 Infinity 1625
Rated Optical Power 200 250
Pulse Duration (ms) 1 - 3 1 - 3
Repetition Rate (khz) 1 - 150 1 - 150
Mode Quality (M2) ≤1.2 ≤1.2
Beam Ellipticity <1.2:1 <1.2:1
Beam Diameter (mm) 1/e2 2.5 2.5
Beam Divergence (mR, full angle) 5.2 5.2
Wavelength (μm) 10.57-10.63 10.57-10.63
Rise Time (μs) < 75 < 75
Power Stability from cold (%) +/-4 % +/-4 %
Polarization Vertical to mounting plane Vertical to mounting plane
Cooling Water Water
Flow Rate (l/m g/m) > 9.8, 2.6 > 9.8, 2.6
Input power (Watts) 2800 2800
Input Voltage / Current 50V / 56A 50V / 56A
Weight (Kg / Lbs.) 23 / 50 23 / 50