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单光子计数相机32x32 SPAD+TDC camera SPAD+TDC


在2D /强度模式下,SPAD阵列每帧提供1024个“字”,每个“字”6bit(即单帧光子计数动态最多64光子)。在3D深度分辨/计时模式下,SPAD阵列每帧提供1024个“字”,每个“字”10bit(即单帧时间分辨低至312 ps,满量程范围320 ns)。帧数在burst模式下高达100kfps(即最小积分帧时间为10 us),连续模式为10kfps。

  • 多模式:
  • 光子计数
  • 2D图像
  • 3D渡越时间
  • TCSPC(时间相关单光子计数)
  • 图像尺寸:32x32 (1024) pixels
  • 像素内计数器:6 bit (光子计数)
  • 像素内TDC:10 bit (光子计时)
  • 最大帧数:100,000 fps (burst)/ 10,000 fps (continuous)
  • 时间分辨:312 ps – 0.9 ns
  • 满量程范围:320 ns – 0.92 µs
  • 硬件接口:USB 2.0
  • 软件界面:MATLAB
  • 单光子计数,计时和成像
  • 中长距离激光雷达
  • 医学影像学,FLIM,FRET
  • 时间分辨光谱
  • 扩散光学层析成像
Parameter Notes Min Typ Max Units
Resolution number of pixels 32x32 pixels
SPAD diameter diameter of the SPAD into each pixel 30 µm
Pixel pitch size of each pixel 150 µm
Pixel fill‐factor with no microlens 3.14 %
PhotonDetectionEfficiency(PDE) of SPAD detectors @ 420nm 50 %
@ 300nm and @650nm 20 %
@ 800nm 5 %
Dark count rate(DCR) with VEX=5V 100 cps
Afterpulsing with 20 ns hold‐off time 2.6 %
Optical cross‐talk between nearest pixels 0.01 %
Photon‐counting dynamics number of bits of the in‐pixel counter 6 bit
Photon‐timing dynamics number of bits of the in‐pixelTDC 10 bit
On‐board clock(fclock) adjustable through the GUI interface 70                            200 MHz
TDC least significant bit(LSB)[1] withfclock=200MHz 312 ps
withfclock=160MHz 390 ps
withfclock=70MHz 900 ps
TDC full‐scale range(FSR)[1] withfclock=200MHz 320 ns
withfclock=160MHz 400 ns
withfclock=70MHz 920 ns
Full‐scale depth range max scene depth, around the target distance (even kilometers from the camera, depending on the optical setup) 48 60 138 m
TDC single‐shot precision(FWHM) with clock=160MHz (all 32x32 TDC working in parallel) 660 ps
Frame‐rate Burst mode(limited by FPGA read‐out) no limit 100,000 fps
Continuous mode(limited by USB2.0 link) no limit 10,000 fps
Camera power supply +5 V
Lensconnector 12mm–F/1.4C‐Mount