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第八届 PRIMES 工业领域激光光束诊断技术研讨会


研讨会地点: Schenck Technologiepark, Landwehrstraße 55, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
PRIMES开放日地址: Max-Planck-Straße 2, 64319 Pfungstadt, Germany

1、 激光材料加工中的加工头光束品质监控;
2、 增材制造领域的光束品质诊断;
3、 激光行业应用报告;
4、 FocusMonitor FM+ 和全新 LaserDiagnosticsSoftware 3.0 推介。


Tool- and Process Monitoring in Laser Materials Processing
> Prof. Dr. Klaus Behler, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Impact of the laser beam parameter on the results of laser material processing
> Dr. Volker Brandl, PRIMES GmbH
Power Measurement between Flexibiliy and Machine Integration
> Dr. Axel Luft, Laserline GmbH
Diode lasers, applications in car body manufacturing and measuring tools for quality assurance

Beam Diagnostics in Additive Manufacturing
> Robert Domröse, EOS GmbH Electro Optical Systems
Meaning of beam diagnostics for quality assurance in additive manufacturing
> Kai Lampmann, PRIMES GmbH
More Than Beam Profiling – A new approach for beam diagnostics in 3D additive manufacturing systems
> Peter Abels, Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik (ILT)
Tool- and process monitoring in additive manufacturing
> Stephan Holesch, PRIMES GmbH
Flexible Focus Diagnostics in IR and NIR

Evening Reception at the Weststadtbar, Darmstadt

Application Reports about Quality Assurance in the Laser Industry and Prospects
> Benjamin Schmieder, Manz AG
Demands on a measuring system for automated calibration of a production line in remote laser material processing
> Maike Bargmann, PRIMES GmbH
Convenient Beam Diagnostics in Laser Quality Inspection
> Veronika Rack, Papierfabrik Louisenthal GmbH Determination of the processing threshold of a Gaussian beam based on measurements of the power density distribution
> Dr. Bernd Eppich, BeamXpert GmbH
Agile optic design based on beam parameters
> Dr. Reinhard Kramer, PRIMES GmbH
Beam Diagnostics en route to Industrial Application

PRIMES Open House
> Laboratory guided tour
> Introduction of the latest generation of measuring devices
> Presentation of the new LaserDiagnosticsSoftware

报名方式, 027-87807177