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25th anniversary of the Single Molecule Workshop


PicoQuant has invited an impressive line-up of renowned speakers to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Berlin (Germany), 4 April 2019 – This year marks the 25th anniversary of PicoQuant’s annual workshop on “Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy in the Life Sciences”. The celebratory event will take place in Berlin from September 3 to 6, 2019. Some of the most renowned and inspiring people from the field of single molecule research will be giving keynote lectures, including two Nobel Prize laureates. Abstracts can be submitted until May 15, 2019, registration is open until July 31, 2019.

Keynote Speakers:

· Stefan Hell (Max-Plank-Institute, Germany)

· W. E. Moerner (Stanford University, USA)

· Xiaoliang Sunney Xie (Peking University, China)

· Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University, Japan)

In addition to keynote lectures, a series of invited speakers will present their latest work in this field. A number of oral presentations will be selected from abstracts submitted by attendees and poster sessions will round out the event. As Rainer Erdmann, Managing Director of PicoQuant explains: “The workshop is an outstanding opportunity to meet not only famous scientists but also to discuss latest results with many bright students. With a dedicated 'student award' we encourage students to submit their work not only in posters but also as contributed talks.”

Since its inception in 1995, this workshop has become a leading venue and interdisciplinary platform for exchanging experiences, information, and recent findings in the field of ultrasensitive optical detection down to the single molecule level as well as beyond the classical diffraction limit. The workshop addresses researchers and associated professionals from diverse fields including physics, chemistry, biology, as well as life and materials science.

Date: September 3-6, 2019

Location:WISTA Campus, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

Contact:PicoQuant GmbH

               Marta Kolonko



Further details

Invited speakers

· Manfred Auer (University of Edinburgh, UK)

· Christian Eggeling (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Germany)

· Jörg Enderlein (Georg-August-University, Germany)

· Paul French (Imperial College Lodon, UK)

· Johan Hofkens (KU Leuven, Belgium)

· Michel Orrit (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

· Aleksandra Radenovic (EPFL, Switzerland)

· Rudolf Rigler (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)

· Markus Sauer (University Würzburg, Germany)

· Claus Seidel (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany)

· Thomas Schmidt (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

· Ben Schuler (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

· Gerhard Schütz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

· Sang-Hee Shim (Korea University, Korea)

· Hari Shroff (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, USA)

· Ron Walsworth (Harvard University, USA)

· Shimon Weiss (University of California Los Angeles, USA)

· Jörg Wrachtrup (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Call for papers

Abstracts can be submitted until May 15, 2019.


until May 15, 2019 for early bird fees

until July 31, 2019 for regular fees

Student award

PicoQuant will award the best student talk with a prize of 1000 Euro.
